A letter was submitted to the Observer last week for publication. But hey, they didn't publish so we thought we'd publish it here anyway!
To the Editor: Letter to the Observer Comment piece by Andrew Rawnsley (The public have lost faith in all politicians - Observer 23/04/23)
Andrew Rawnsley is right that the disjuncture between politicians and the electorate has never been greater. (The public have lost faith in all politicians - Observer 23/04/23) Most readers would agree that most begin their political lives to do good and behave well, yet many leave office with their reputations and that of politics generally - in tatters. Similarly, most readers believe in the ideals of democracy, yet leave the ballot box disillusioned or are soon afterwards disappointed at its failure. Systems like Ipsos, a Standards Commissioner and a Ministers code, and of course regular elections to hire or fire them are insufficient. It is this process itself that needs transformation. Restoring the constituency link is vital. Westminster MPs prolifically use campaign rhetoric and maiden speeches to demonstrate the umbilical links to their constituencies. However, there is no ongoing community-led mechanism that ensures once elected that all MPs communicate at a transparent and verifiable level with constituents, and that they follow a code of conduct. It is for this reason that we need independent constituency panels formed from all sections of communities that regularly act as an eyes and ears of constituents and ensure their interests first and foremost - not those of secondary paymasters, Westminster whips or local party fiefdoms - when MPs fulfill their roles.
This one simple step can help close the fissure emerging in our democracy and narrow the Westminster/constituent divide.
Yours Sincerely
Ashok Viswanathan
Co Founder and CEO of PeoplePower
Co Founder of Operation Black Vote
